Engineering Analysis, Permits & Design
Each site is first carefully evaluated to identify the most cost effective solutions. The goal is to employ low impact solutions in order to achieve stated goals. For industrial stormwater discharge subject to DEQ permit requirements, the goal is compliance utilizing cost effective BMP’s.
Our approach is to provide you with a complete site assessment, identifying low impact BMP’s, where compliance can be achieved with the lowest possible investment in facilities and ongoing operational costs.
Once the Stormwater Plan is presented and accepted we then begin design. Again our goal is to find the lowest impact solution with the highest anticipated results. Sustainable technology in stormwater pollution control is advancing rapidly where simple and effective solutions are emerging. The new DEQ permit structure supports sustainable solutions emphasizing low impact technologies.
We achieve success by finding affordable solutions for you facility site.
Construction Services
Construction management is integral to our design, furnish and install services. From the stormwater plan and permit, then design; we begin the construction process by establishing performance milestones. These include time of performance commitments combined with the lowest bid cost estimates. Bids are taken from material and equipment vendors along with any require sub-contractors.
Construction management software such as Microsoft Project is used as a tool to interface with your site personnel, our construction team and others impacted by the site project. Communication and coordination is essential to a successful construction build sequence.
System commissioning and training of personnel is the final step in the construction phase. The successful operation of low impact BMP’s is essential to permit compliance. Read about our operational support, monitoring and permit compliance in the operations section of our services.
Operations – Monitoring & Compliance
We help to assure compliance with the new DEQ permit criteria with the ongoing operational phase of our services. Working to properly execute the interdependent BMP’s, combined with monitoring and compliance reporting are key elements of our full service offering.
New DEQ discharge requirements, scheduled to take effect in the second quarter of 2011, will offer both challenge and opportunity. More stringent standards for all compounds, particularly metals, suspended solids and organics will prove to be a significant and potentially costly challenge to industrial sites subject to 1200 series permits. Along with the new standards will be set pollutant benchmarks, with tiered corrective action. Interdependent BMP’s with expected compliance performance can be managed and modified under the expected permit structure.
We can show you how multiple low impact solutions combined with efficient operation will lead to permit compliance over the multiyear implementation phases.